Wednesday, 27 July 2016

Choice Ltd

Of course next to the Drumpf anything is ok.. But do we really need to endorse his one and only opponent with sainthood so as to ensure he doesn't get in?
With just one look at the US today we can't help but see what trash is building up. The world's a mess and much of it, be it famine or gluttony, sometimes both together, is largely through ruthless global commercialism and policies lacking heavily in ethics, too many of which emanate from the US.

Rhetoric aside, surely we should by now have reached a day where it is 'more than' acceptable for a woman to be in office however surely surely surely it should be because she is the right person for the job and not 'just because' she's a woman who's managed to exploit a somewhat unfortunate set of circumstances in her favour.

Sadly and in my view despicably, the shambles of the Drumpf versus the modern-day woman is held up by desperately shallow modern-day feminism which is a far cry from where and how and why women fought for their rights in the first place. Today's scenario sits on a precariously thin veneer of shallow presentation and truly very little else. In fact the whole election process is based on adulation and its pantomime counterparts serving to do little other than distract us, putting both onlookers and participators in a place where no reflection is forthcoming.
The whole world is dumbed down.
Sordid rather than entertaining, the show must go on and so what will be will be, but putting someone on a pedestal is let's face it, not far from putting them on a hangman's platform, for unless US foreign policies change drastically, the world so captive to these elections cannot even begin to dare to hope.

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